Make your summer count! 550+ classes offered - in remote, online, hybrid and in-person learning environments.

Save time and money on your college degree by taking summer session courses at Hudson Valley. Earn transferable credit for just $211* per credit hour.
* NYS resident tuition [Loading Tuition and Fees link…]

Summer 2025

  • 1st 3-Week Session (Part of Term 1): May 27 - June 12
  • 1st 6-week Session (Part of Term 2): May 27 - July 2
  • 12-Week Session (Part of Term 3): May 27 - Aug. 14
  • 2nd 3-Week Session (Part of Term 5): July 7 - July 24
  • 2nd 6-week Session (Part of Term 6): July 7 - Aug. 14

Course Schedules & DescriptionsCourses at HVCC North in Malta

Remember, summer students ride the bus for free with our CDTA Unlimited Ridership Program!

How to Register

Registration begins Thursday, March 27 for returning and transfer students; and Monday, March 31 for new students. Registration Calendar (PDF)

Current students in a degree/certificate program

You will need to contact your Academic Advisement Office to schedule your courses or get your Advisement Verification Number (AVN).

Current students not in a degree/certificate program

If you are unsure about your choice of courses, schedule a time to meet with an academic advisor in the Office of Student Outreach, Advisement and Retention at (518) 629-7219.

If you know the course(s) you would like to take, follow the instructions for Non-degree/Non-matriculated Students on the Registering for a Course webpage.

Students from another college/university

Each summer, we welcome students from colleges and universities around the country.

High School Students

The College in the High School program offers a robust schedule of summer courses for students going into their junior or senior year in the upcoming fall at any New York State high school. Interested students should go to the College in the High School's Summer Course webpage for course offerings and registration.

We're Here to Help

Do you have additional questions? Complete this form and someone from the college will reach out to help.

Get in Touch

Continuing Education
Guenther Enrollment Services Center, Suite 231

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.